When inspiration strikes, you must act on it. Inspiration, to me, is more than just a random thought. It is your subconscious coming to a solution on something you’ve been ruminating on. When that “hmm”, “ohh” or “ah-ha” hits, it’s your universal access pass. You get to try and experiment with thoughts and ideas and processes that sometimes surpass comprehension. Defies logic.
This is also where we can get in our own way. When this happens, our “rational” conditioned thought process will tell us why it won’t work and how many other things you could be doing instead of wasting time. Your “rational” mind will tell you it’s a waste of time because it doesn’t conveniently fit into a space of your or anyone’s else’s understanding.
The more we move toward needing a solution, we are granted additional moments of access and clarity. For some, this resource turns on a like a light switch. For others, it might be a slow, methodic opening of a door to that space. It may be granting you time to think about what you’re doing and giving you time to figure out if it’s even worth your effort. Inspiration, coupled with passion and effort, has moved so many of us to create greatness and enrich society as a whole.
Cheers to the risk takers.