Existing as a creative is challenging. When we discover these abilities, we’re excited to exhibit them. We want, hey need, our mortal enemy (time) to explore them. Many don’t understand, so they try to disavow or destroy the non-tangible. If one is fortunate enough to garner any semblance of success in this space, the goal posts are moved, the circle gets smaller and at times, unfamiliar. The allure of your abilities and infinite potential is what fuels you through the endless sea of sharks, snakes, and politics.
A mentor of mine once said, “I just wish we could fly without the additional weight of the BS.” I couldn’t understand then, because I was too caught up in the excitement of actually being in the spaces. I get it now.
A quiet life, thought and reflection spaces are the goals. Your gifts bless others and you are then taken care of. But the machine needs it fuel. The business needs us. We need markets, communities and partnerships in order to thrive. We also need the limited resource of time to rest, reset, plan, strategize and get back to the masses, lest we lose market value if we are not unique enough in what we provide. The game is find your tribe that will grant you time to create invaluable content for long-term consumption. Or partner with a machine that may find a tribe for termed gains and market opportunities.
A quiet life is earned… and expensive.